The Windows clipboard is a feature in many versions of Microsoft Windows that allows data (text, images and files) from a program or directory to be temporarily stored and replicated in another program or directory, through the use of "copy" and "paste" commands. The clipboard enables the user to copy and paste even large files across a range of applications. If your clipboard has stopped working, the cause is more than likely that another program or Windows error has disabled the "ClipBook" service.
Step 1
Click the "Start" menu and "Control Panel."
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Step 2
Double-click the "Administrative Tools" icon. If the "Administrative Tools" icon is not available, click the "Switch to Classic View" link, then double-click "Administrative Tools."
Step 3
Double-click the "Services" shortcut icon.
Step 4
Right-click on "ClipBook" and choose "Properties."
Step 5
Click the "Logon" tab. Place a check in the box next to "Allow service to interact with desktop." Click the "Apply" button, then click "OK."
Step 6
Right-click on the "ClipBook" service and choose "Restart" or "Start" to restart the Windows clipboard.
Step 7
Check the status of the "Network DDE" service by clicking on the name of the service and looking in the "Status" column. If the status for "Network DDE" reads "Stopped", right-click on it and click "Start" or "Restart." Close the Services window.
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