How to Troubleshoot PDFCreator That is Not Working

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The PDFCreator application creates PDF files from Windows applications such as Excel, PowerPoint and Word. It also creates PNG, JPG, TIFF and BMP files. If issues arise in this program, you can troubleshoot the application to determine what is causing it to break down. Troubleshooting application issues is the route to take when you are not sure of the source of the problem. PDFCreator might lag, shut down or become unresponsive as a result of an underlying issue.


Step 1

Right-click the "PDFCreator" application on the desktop and click "Properties." Open the "Compatibility" tab. Look under the "Privilege Level" section. Place a check by the option "Run this program as an administrator." Select "Apply" and then "OK." Launch PDFCreator and ensure that it is functioning correctly.


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Step 2

Press the "Windows" key and click "Control Panel." Click the "Uninstall a Program" option. Select "PDFCreator" and click "Uninstall." Allow the removal process to complete.

Step 3

Download and save the "PDFCreator-1_0_2_setup.exe" file to the desktop (see Resources). Run the file and finish the installation. Launch PDFCreator once the installation is complete. Ensure that PDFCreator is no longer showing its previous symptoms.


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