How to Turn on Bluetooth on a Compaq Laptop

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How to Turn on Bluetooth on a Compaq Laptop
Image Credit: magarsamd/iStock/Getty Images

Activate the Bluetooth functions of your Compaq laptop to connect your computer to external devices such as mice, keyboards and smartphones without the aid of a wire. Bluetooth technology allows devices from different manufacturers to exchange data, communicate and share files despite differences in operating software. Bluetooth antennae can cause a significant battery drain, so they are usually turned off by default. Turn on your Bluetooth to start searching for available devices in range of your computer.


Step 1

Click "Start" and type "wireless" into the "Start Search" field.

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Step 2

Click the "HP Wireless Assistant" icon in the list of results.

Step 3

Click the "Turn ON" button in the "Bluetooth" section to activate the Bluetooth antenna for your Compaq laptop.


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