How to Turn Your Phone Service Back on If It Gets Cut Off

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A hand holds a smart phone
Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Getty Images

Smartphones, such as iPhone and BlackBerry Bold, offer enhanced connectivity control options that allow users to switch between modes with different radio settings for 3G, EDGE, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Of the many modes that are available, the "Airplane" mode turns the phone radio completely off. While this is a useful option for users who wish to save the phone's battery time by shutting off all the phone signals, it can be confusing to revert to previous settings for users who accidentally turn this mode on.



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Step 1

Drag the virtual slider to the right to unlock the iPhone.

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Step 2

Tap "Settings."


Step 3

Tap "Off" next to Airplane mode. Your phone signals will turn on.

BlackBerry Bold

Step 1

Press the "Menu" key to open the main menu.



Step 2

Go to "Manage Connections."

Step 3

Turn the radio signals on for "Mobile Network," "Wi-Fi" and "Bluetooth" connections. Press "Save" to apply the changes.


