Every so often you may find you need to type a character on your computer that is either foreign or just not available on a standard keyboard. The German umlaut is once such symbol. Used in the German language to indicate a change in sound, the umlaut can sometimes be found in names and words we use in the United States as well. The literary Brontë sisters, for example, use an umlaut over the E in their last name. Umlaut's can be found over the vowels A, E, I, O, U and Y in both lowercase and uppercase forms.
Typing an Umlaut on a PC
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Step 1
Hold down the alt key on your PC. The next step depends on the vowel and case you want for your umlaut. If you want a lowercase A with an umlaut, type the numbers 0228 on the keypad while holding down the alt key. If you want an uppercase A with an umlaut, hold down the alt key and type 0196.
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Step 2
Hold down the alt key and type 0235 for a lowercase E with an umlaut. Hold down alt and type 0203 for an uppercase E with an umlaut.
Step 3
Hold down the alt key and type 0239 for a lowercase I with an umlaut. Hold down alt and type 0207 for an uppercase I with an umlaut.
Step 4
Hold down the alt key and type 0246 for a lowercase O with an umlaut. Hold down alt and type 0214 for an uppercase O with an umlaut.
Step 5
Hold down the alt key and type 0252 for a lowercase U with an umlaut. Hold down alt and type 0220 for an uppercase U with an umlaut.
Step 6
Hold down the alt key and type 0255 for a lowercase Y with an umlaut. Hold down alt and type 0159 for an uppercase Y with an umlaut.
Typing an Umlaut on a Mac
Step 1
Hold down the option key on a Mac computer and press the letter u. Then release both keys and type the letter for which you want the umlaut. For example, if you want a lowercase A with an umlaut, you would hold down option and u, release, and then type the letter a. If you want an uppercase A, you would hold down option and the u key, release and then type the letter A.
Step 2
Hold down option and u, release, and then type the letter e for an umlaut over a lowercase E. If you want an uppercase E, you would hold down option and the u key, release and then type the letter E.
Step 3
Hold down option and u, release, and then type the letter i for an umlaut over a lowercase I. If you want an uppercase I, you would hold down option and the u key, release and then type the letter I.
Step 4
Hold down option and u, release, and then type the letter o for an umlaut over a lowercase O. If you want an uppercase O, you would hold down option and the u key, release and then type the letter O.
Step 5
Hold down option and u, release, and then type the letter u for an umlaut over a lowercase U. If you want an uppercase U, you would hold down option and the u key, release and then type the letter U. And for an umlaut over an uppercase Y, hold down option and u, release, and then type the letter Y. For a lowercase Y, hold down option and u, release, and then type the letter y.