How to Unban Oneself From a Chat Room

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If you have been banned for no reason from a chat room and you cannot contact an administrator, there is a simple way to get past the ban and return to the chat room. Although the original ban itself might still be set, you will still be able to use the chat room.


Step 1

Disconnect from the Internet. You may do this either from right-clicking on the Internet icon in the system tray, or if you have software to access the Internet with such as Netzero, close the toolbar. For broadband users, turn off your modem.

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Step 2

Select a different access number and reconnect to the Internet. Broadband users turn your modem back on and wait for the modem to connect.


Step 3

Check and make sure your IP (Internet Protocol) address is different from the the one that was banned.


Step 4

Reconnect to the chat room. You should be able to reconnect without a problem.

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