A dreaded sinking feeling accompanies the realization that you have deleted something from your website that you should not have deleted. Unfortunately, when you execute this deletion using Filezilla, no magic "undo" button can reverse the changes. But all is not lost. Some tips and tricks can help you recover previous versions of your website pages. If you need to recover pages for your site, you can try a few strategies.
Restore the File From the Filezilla Temporary Folder
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Step 1
Click the Windows "Start" button, highlight "Computer" and press the left mouse button. Click "Tools" in the top-left corner in the newly displayed window. Select "Folder options" from the menu. Click the "View" tab, scroll down to "Hidden files and folders" and select the "Show hidden files and folders" radio button. Click "Apply."
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Step 2
Right-click on your desktop, hover over "New" and then click "Folder" from the newly displayed menu. Name this folder "Restore" or another suitable name.
Step 3
Navigate to the "AppData" folder on your computer. Open the "Local" folder, then open the "Temp" folder and finally open the "fz3temp-1" folder.
Step 4
Select the file to restore. Right-click on the file and select "Copy" from the drop-down menu.
Step 5
Navigate to the new folder created earlier. Right-click anywhere within this folder and select "Paste" from the drop-down menu.
Step 6
Open the file in an appropriate file editor, make any desired changes, and upload to your server using Filezilla.
Restore the File From Google Cache
Step 1
Open your web browser. Enter www.google.com in the address bar and press "Enter" on your keyboard.
Step 2
Enter the following in the search box "site:.yourdomain.com" (without quotation marks) and press "Enter." Locate the sought-after page and click the "cached" hyperlink underneath the listing.
Step 3
Save this page to your hard disk drive using your browser's "save file" function.
Step 4
Open the file in an appropriate file editor, make any desired changes, and upload to your server using Filezilla.
Restore the File From Your Browser Cache
Step 1
Open Mozilla Firefox. Type "about:cache" in the address bar (without quotation marks) and press "Return." Click the "List Cache Entries" hyperlink under "Disk cache device."
Step 2
Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press "F." Enter the name of the file to restore in the search box, then press the "Next" button repeatedly until the file is found. Click the highlighted hyperlink.
Step 3
Select and highlight the address of the file located next to "file on disk:." Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press "C." Highlight the browser address bar, right-click, and select "Paste."
Step 4
Save the newly opened page to your hard disk drive using your browser's "save file" function.
Step 5
Open the file in an appropriate file editor, make any desired changes, and upload to your server using Filezilla.