How to Uninstall Apache in Windows

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First released in 1995, Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source application that allows both Unix and Windows NT-based computers to function as Web servers. It offers language interfaces for the Perl, Python, Tcl and PHP programming languages, supports the SSL and TLS protocols, includes several built-in compression methods, and allows a single server to host many sites through its virtual hosting feature. If you no longer need to use Apache HTTP Server on your Windows computer, you can remove it from your system using both the Command Prompt and Windows' built-in Uninstall feature.


Step 1

Click the Windows "Start" button and select "All Programs," followed by "Accessories" and "Command Prompt."

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Step 2

Type the following command:



Substitute "" for the actual location of Apache's "bin" folder. By default, this folder is located at "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\bin".

Step 3

Press the "Enter" key to execute the command and open the "bin" folder.


Step 4

Type the following command:

httpd -k uninstall

Step 5

Press the "Enter" key to execute the command and uninstall the service.


Step 6

Click the Windows "Start" button and select "Control Panel."

Step 7

Select "Uninstall a program" if you use Windows Vista or Windows 7. In Windows XP or an earlier version of Windows, click "Add or Remove Programs" instead.



Step 8

Single-click the Apache HTTP Server item.

Step 9

Click the "Uninstall" button near the top of the window if you use Windows Vista or Windows 7. In Windows XP or an earlier version of Windows, click the adjacent "Remove" button instead. Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm your choice and complete the uninstall process.


Step 10

Click the Windows "Start" button and select "Computer." Double-click the "C:" drive icon and then navigate to the folder containing your Apache installation ("C:\Program Files" by default). Right-click the "Apache Group" folder and select "Delete."

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