How to Unlock Cable Modem

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Unlock the settings of your cable modem.

When using a cable modem as your high speed Internet connection you typically connect the modem to your computer and launch the Internet browser on your computer, without having to adjust any of the settings on the cable modem. However, the modem may not immediately connect to the Internet without first unlocking the cable modem. Doing so allows you to adjust the IP address and connection settings.


Step 1

Look on the bottom or back of the cable modem. There is an "http" address listed here, followed by a series of numbers.

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Step 2

Type the full "http" address and numbers into the URL bar of your Internet browser. Press "Enter" and the cable modem access page appears on the screen.


Step 3

Type in either "admin" or "0000" into both the user name and password options and click "OK." These are the two common user names and passwords set up as default.


Step 4

Type in a new user name and password, then click "OK." This unlocks your cable modem and gives you complete access to all of the settings, including whether or not you connect the modem to a wireless router, if you use the modem in an office setting, and a variety of different options to do with the IP address.

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