How to Upload a Google Doc on Facebook

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Google Docs is an online software suite that offers a web-based alternative to programs like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Google Docs allows you to create, edit, and view documents, spreadsheets, and presentations free of charge and is a platform for sharing your work with others. Share your public Google Docs on Facebook by attaching them to your status updates.


Step 1

Set the Google Doc in question to "Public on The Web." Click "Private to Only Me" at the top of the document, click "Change" and tick the circle next to "Public on the Web." Click "Save" and wait for Google Docs to reload your list of documents. If you don't make your Google Doc public, no one will be able to see it upon clicking the link on Facebook.


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Step 2

Copy your Google Doc's URL to your computer's clipboard. Reopen the Google Doc in question, click within your browser's "Address Bar," right-click the address, and click "Copy."

Step 3

Share the Google Doc on Facebook. Click the "Link" button above your status update to attach the file to your status update. Enter a description of the file in the "Status" field if you want to further describe the file. Click "Share" to share your Google Doc with your friend network.


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