Copyrighting does not take years. It takes minutes. It does not require the government. It requires you. Labeling a work as yours is quite easy to do. Make sure to follow the proper format for copyrighting your work, which should include the official copyright symbol, your name and the year of publication. You can insert this formula into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file so that your data will be protected from devious people who might want to steal it and claim it as their own.
Step 1
Open your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file. To do this, click the "Start" menu. From the menu that pops up, select "All Programs," followed by "Microsoft Office" and "Microsoft Office Excel." When a new spreadsheet opens on your screen, click the "Office Button" in the top left-hand corner of your screen. Then, click "Open." Select your file from those listed. Double-click the file, and it will appear on your screen.
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Step 2
Click on the "A2" cell. This format works well if you have previously titled your data set, or spreadsheet in the "A1" cell. For example, in cell "A1," you might write the title of your work: "Cost-Effective Measures Implemented by West African Women Running Micro-Financed Businesses." Hit "Return" after your title.
Step 3
Type the copyright format in the "A2" cell. The format should be typed as follows: "Copyright © 2009 [COPYRIGHT OWNER'S NAME]. All Rights Reserved."
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