How to Use a Proxy to Access Gmail

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How to Use a Proxy to Access Gmail. Sometimes, Gmail can be difficult to access at work or any other location that puts restrictions on Internet usage. If you need to get your Gmail, there are plenty of ways you may be able to bypass the restrictions. Read the following tips to learn how to get your Gmail anywhere and use proxies, if necessary.


Step 1

Determine whether you actually need a proxy or not. Sometimes, you can bypass using a proxy by simply typing in a different URL on your browser's address bar. Try different URLs like,,,,,, or


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Step 2

Consider configuring your computer's email client to automatically retrieve the contents of your Gmail inbox. Access Google's "Help" documentation on the Gmail website, identify your email client from the list and use the instructions to set up your email on the client.

Step 3

Access Gmail by using Google Desktop. Download the application to your computer and get access to your Gmail simply by accessing Google Desktop. Using Google Desktop can help you bypass workplace restrictions and take away the need to use a separate proxy.


Step 4

Think about using a program called "Gmail Lite." Gmail Lite can work with web servers and your own personal website to access Gmail without the use of a website. You will need to own your own website to use this application and it also requires an active download.


Step 5

Use Google as a proxy to access Gmail. Get your Gmail by browsing the Internet through Google Translate, Google Web Toolkit and Google XHTML.


Step 6

Search the Internet for other web-based proxies as a last resort. While proxies not affiliated with Google may get you access to Gmail, drawbacks like pop-ups may make using these proxies trouble.

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