Shared variables can be extremely useful in a Crystal Report. Unlike with local and global variables, the value stored in a shared variable can be set and/or seen anywhere in a Crystal Report. For example, you might create a shared variable called Age. You can then store the value 31 to Age in one subreport and display that value in another subreport.
Step 1
Set the shared variable. A shared variable can be set anywhere in the main report or anywhere in any subreport. To set a shared variable called Age you would use the following code:
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Shared NumberVar UserAge; UserAge := {Table1.Age}; ""
Step 2
Display or use the shared variable. A shared variable can be processed or displayed anywhere in the main report or anywhere in any subreport. You would share your Age variable like this:
Shared NumberVar UserAge; UserAge
Step 3
Use your shared variable in formulas or sections anywhere in your report.
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