How to Use Easycap Capture

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The "EasyCap Capture" device is a USB peripheral designed to capture and store video from any output device utilizing a standard RCA cable. The EasyCap can record both audio and video straight from the output device -- such as a DVD player or TV -- and store it on your computer in a variety of video formats. Before you can capture the video, however, you will first have to install the EasyCap video software and connect the USB device to the output device via S-Video or RCA cables.


Installing the Software

Video of the Day

Step 1

Insert the EasyCap install DVD into your computer's DVD drive, then select "Install Driver" when prompted.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click "No, not this time" followed by "Next," then select "Install Software Automatically" and click next again.


Step 3

Select "Continue Anyway" if prompted and then click "Finish" once the drivers have finished installing.

Step 4

Click the "Install" button in the splash screen -- if there is no splash screen, double-click on your DVD drive in the "My Computer" window to launch the auto-run dialog box -- and click "Install Video Studio" after selecting your language.


Step 5

Click through the screens to install Video Studio onto your computer. EasyCap needs this software to function properly.

Using the Device

Step 1

Plug your RCA or S-Video cables into the "Video Out" port on your video device and then plug the other end into the plugs on the EasyCap device. Make sure you plug the correct RCA colors into the right sockets; red to red, yellow to yellow and white to white.



Step 2

Launch "Video Studio" and start playing your video output device. You should see the video in the main screen of "Video Studio." If you do not, continue on to the next step.

Step 3

Click the "Capture Video" button followed by the "Options" menu option.


Step 4

Click the "Video and Audio Capture Property setting" option and then click the "Source" option. Select which source -- S-Video or RCA -- you are using and click "OK." The video should appear on your screen now.

Step 5

Click the "Capture Video" button again to start recording the video from the source onto your computer's hard drive.


