FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol." Using an FTP client such as Filezilla allows you to transfer local files from your computer to an online network such as a Web host. By using the FTP account details provided within 000Webhost's control panel, you can seamlessly upload files via Filezilla to the root directory of your domain.
Obtain Your 000Webhost FTP Login Details
Video of the Day
Step 1
Log in to your 000Webhost control panel.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Scroll down and locate the "Files" module.
Step 3
Click the "View FTP Details" icon to obtain the login details you will need to begin uploading your files via FTP.
Connect Filezilla to 000Webhost
Step 1
Open Filezilla to begin the FTP process.
Step 2
Select "File" from the menu bar and click the "Site Manager" option.
Step 3
Click the "New Site" button and name your website. Press "Enter" to save the name change.
Step 4
Copy and paste the "FTP host name" from 000Webhost into the "Host" field in Filezilla. This field is located underneath the "General" tab.
Step 5
Type "21" into the "Port" field.
Step 6
Locate the "Logon Type" option and select "Normal" from the drop-down menu.
Step 7
Delete the "anonymous" text within the "User" field and copy and paste your "FTP user name" from 000Webhost.
Step 8
Delete the default characters within the "Password" field and type your "FTP password" into this field.
Step 9
Click the "Advanced" tab.
Step 10
Locate the "Default remote directory" text area and type:
Step 11
Click the "Connect" button to initiate the FTP authentication process.
Step 12
Begin uploading your website files upon successful connection.