How to Use Pagemaker 7.0

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Adobe PageMaker enables you to create professional-looking publications for print and the web, or convert them to PDF (Portable Document Format) directly from within the application. PageMaker has been around since 1985 when it was known as Aldus PageMaker. Released in 2001, version 7 is the most recent--and the last--version of PageMaker Adobe plans to make. Adobe InDesign is the new desktop-publishing tool in Adobe's lineup, and PageMaker users are encouraged to upgrade.


Step 1

Launch the PageMaker application and set up the document properties.

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Step 2

Document Setup Window

Configure the page orientation, margins and whether you want the pages to be facing and/or double-sided.


Step 3

Type in the number of pages for your publication if you want to add multiple pages to the document in this step. Alternatively, leave it at 1 to start with just one page. Additional pages can be added later.

Step 4

PageMaker Workspace

Click "OK" to begin creating the document.



Step 5

Text Box with handles

Click "File" on the menu bar, and then select the "Place" command to add text or graphic files to your document. Text will appear in boxes that you can move around with your mouse by grabbing and dragging the tab at the top.


Step 6

Click and drag the corners of the text box or the image to expand or reduce its size on the page. Press and hold the "Shift" key to shrink or enlarge the graphic while keeping the proportions even.

Step 7

Click on the top ruler and drag downward to create a guide line you can use to line up objects. Click and drag from the side ruler to create a vertical guide line.


Step 8

PageMaker Toolbox

Click the text ("T") tool in the toolbox on the left, then click on the page to enter text directly into PageMaker.



Step 9

PageMaker Control Palette

Click and drag to select the text and use the "Control Palette" at the bottom of the screen to adjust the font, size or other text properties.


Step 10

Click "Layout" on the menu bar, and then select "Column Guides" to divide the page into multiple columns.

Step 11

Select "Layout" on the menu bar , and then click then "Insert Pages" to add more pages to the document. The pages can be inserted before or after the current pages you are on.


Step 12

Page Thumbnail Icons

Click the thumbnail icons in the bottom left corner of the screen to switch views between the pages in the document.



Step 13

Click the "L" and "R" thumbnail icons to access the "Master Pages" and add elements you want to appear on all left-facing pages or all right-facing pages.

Step 14

Page Number on the Master Page

Click the "Text Tool" icon, and then click on the "L" or "R" pages. Press the "Command-Option-P" keys (Macintosh) or "Ctrl-Alt-P" keys (Windows) to insert a page number in the text box. An "LM" or "RM" place marker will indicate the page number position on the master page. The page numbers display in the main document only.


Step 15

Click the "File" menu, and then select the "Save" command to save your work.

Step 16

Click "File," and then select the "Print" command to print your document.

Step 17

Click the "Export" command on the "File" menu to create an Adobe PDF file from the document.

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