XBRL is short for "extensible business reporting language" and it is part of the family of extensible markup languages (XML). The XBRL language enables you to communicate financial data in a way that saves both time and costs, according to xbrl.org. XBRL files come in two file types: XBRL instances and XBRL taxonomies. XBRL instances end with .xml , and XBRL taxonomies end with .xsd. You can view these files with the open source program, Dragon View.
Step 1
Go to sourceforge.net/projects/rivetdragonview.
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Step 2
Download the Dragon View XBRL Viewer.
Step 3
Unzip Dragon View.
Step 4
Open Dragon View.
Step 5
Click "File," highlight "Open" and then click either "XBRL Taxonomy" or "XBRL Instance Document."
Step 6
Find and click the XBRL file you want view and click "Open."
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