Many people are switching from regular cable television to Internet television because the cost of cable service is rising. You can watch TV via the Internet for the price of a monthly Internet connection and a computer. Some websites may charge you a small fee per television show, but many services let you watch cable shows for free. To watch cable TV over the Internet, you will need a reasonably fast Internet connection. A slow connection will cause TV programs that you are viewing to stop and start or freeze completely.
Video of the Day
Step 1
Go to the Hulu Web site and search for a cable television show you want to watch. You don't need to sign up for an account.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Click on the show.
Step 3
Click on a specific episode and click "Play."
Channel Surfing
Step 1
Go to the Channel Surfing website and scroll down to browse the cable television channels. You don't need to sign up for this site.
Step 2
Click on the channel and program you want to watch.
Step 3
Click "Play."
Apple Itunes
Step 1
Go to the Apple iTunes website and download the iTunes player.
Step 2
Open the player and Click "Apple iTunes Store" on the sidebar.
Step 3
Click "TV shows" in the toobar at the top. Click "HD TV" on the right sidebar.
Step 4
Click on the cable TV show you want to watch. A window will pop up asking you to enter your information so you can purchase downloads from iTunes. Sign up with your email address and payment details. Purchase the TV show. It will automatically download to your iTunes player. Click on the show to begin watching.
Step 1
Go to the Comcast Fancast website.
Step 2
Search for a cable television show. You don't need to register for an account.
Step 3
Click on an episode and click "Play."