Insignia TV Instructions

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Insignia televisions are a brand of budget televisions sold exclusively by the electronics retailer Best Buy. Insignia TVs come in both CRT and High Definition flat-screen LCD models. Each TV comes with various built-in ports, such as HDMI, DVI and VGA, to allow you to connect the TV to other electronic devices, such as DVD players, cable boxes and computers. Although the setup process for an Insignia television is simple, there are a number of simple steps that you must take before enjoying your favorite television programs.


Step 1

Plug your Insignia television's power adapter into an electrical outlet and press the "Power" button on the top of the TV to power it on. Locate the TV's remote and press the "Menu" button to access the device's main menu. Scroll down to the "OSD" tab and select "Language." Toggle left and right using the directional keys on the remote to select a default language for your Insignia television. Press "Enter" to finalize your changes.


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Step 2

Press the "Menu" button on your Insignia televison's remote and select the "System," and click on the "Auto Adjust" tab to automatically set your Insignia television for optimal visual settings. Press "Enter" to save your settings if you feel that you have a clear picture. Return to the main menu and open the "System" tab to set the appropriate video aspect ratio for your Insignia TV. Select "4:3" if you have a CRT Insignia television, and select "16:9" if you have a wide-screen Insignia TV. Press "Enter" to save your settings.



Step 3

Press the "Menu" button on your Insignia remote and scroll down to "Setup" to set your Insignia television's closed captioning settings. Click on "CC On/Off" to toggle the closed captioning feature on and off. Scroll down to the "CCD Mode" tab if you choose to leave the closed captioning feature on. Choose between the "Caption" and "Text" modes and press "Enter." "Caption" mode describes what is being said on the television in the form of text, whereas "Text" mode lists program information at the bottom of the screen.

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