Instructions for How to Use a Computer

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A computer mouse is a slightly difficult concept if you have never used one.

Computers are everywhere, not just in business and government, but in most American homes. However, there are still and probably always will be those of us who are late to use and understand technology. Personal computers have become more consumer-friendly over the years and harder to break, so even those late to using computers can learn how to do so fairly easily by trial and error.


Step 1

Take your computer. Put the monitor in an easy to see place on the desktop. Locate the box near the desk on the floor but slightly elevated if possible to avoid getting wet it in case of minor flooding. Connect the monitor to the back of the computer. Plug the monitor and box into a nearby outlet using a surge protector. Plug the keyboard and mouse into USB ports on the computer. Press the power button and let the computer boot up. This may take a few minutes and on the first start you may have to click to accept a license agreement and enter your user name and a new password if you want to use one.


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Step 2

Learn to use the keyboard and mouse. A computer keyboard is similar to a typing keyboard except that a few special keys exist such the caps lock button, which when pressed once capitalizes every letter. Moving the mouse around will move the cursor on the screen, and when you click on the left mouse button the cursor will either choose the object you clicked on or allow you to type in that area. Using the right mouse button will bring up a variety of menus depending on where your cursor is located.



Step 3

Left-click on the Start button on the lower right side of the screen. This will bring up a menu of programs. Whatever program you click on will start and open. Every program works by clicking different menus and typing in text from the keyboard. Typing text is only for saving data like documents and entering calculations. Clicking on menus and buttons on the screen controls how programs work and what they do.

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