Is There a Way to Reverse Order of Emails in Google Mail?

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Gmail is a free email service offered by Google that allows users to archive their email for future use instead of deleting them. Individual emails in a conversation always show the oldest email at the top, while the newest email appears at the top in your inbox. There are a few ways to reverse both types of email displays.


The Facts

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Gmail itself doesn't offer any native support for altering the order of emails in your inbox or each conversation. If reversing the order of your Gmail messages is very important, you'll need to use a workaround to achieve it. Forwarding the messages to another service is the only way to affect the order. Use either a POP/IMAP program on your computer or another free email service that offers options for changing the order of your emails.


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POP/IMAP Programs

Computer programs like Thunderbird, Outlook and Eudora retrieve your emails from your Gmail account automatically. Outlook automatically lists emails in your inbox with the newest messages at the top, with the most recent reply in a conversation at the top as well. Thunderbird allows you to order your Gmail messages with a number of options, says Free Email Tutorials. This includes chronological and reverse chronological order, or sender and subject content organized alphabetically. Most of these programs either list the newest or original message in a conversation first, so choose one that uses your preferred method.


Secondary Email Accounts

Gmail allows you to forward your emails to any other free or paid email service online. Sending your messages to another account that offers more sorting options allows you to enjoy the best aspects of Gmail while still sorting your messages according to your preferences according to CNET News. You'll still need to visit your Gmail account to check your spam and trash folders or to use advanced features like labels and custom inbox folders.



Sorting Archived Messages

Gmail does have a built-in feature for reversing the sort of messages saved in your account's archive. This ability is hidden, but clicking the numbers that list the messages found when you search for a specific message opens a menu listing options to sort by newest and oldest dates, says TheUnical Technologies. This helps when you are looking for a saved message you read months ago, but won't change how messages are displayed in your inbox.


