When typing math text on the computer, people typically use the slash mark, the character sharing the key with the question mark, for division. Another division sign is a horizontal slash with a dot above and below the line. Word processing programs typically include this division sign in their bank of symbols. If you are using a keyboard with a numeric keypad, it is possible to produce this symbol by typing a series of keys. The numeric keypad is usually on the right side of the keyboard—it is not the numbers along the top of the keyboard.
Step 1
Move the cursor to the area on the page where you want to insert the division sign.
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Step 2
Press the number lock key ("Num Lock") to lock the numbers on the numeric keypad. This key is located in the numeric keypad. A light on the keyboard normally indicates that the lock key is on.
Step 3
Press the “Alt” key, and hold it down.
Step 4
Type the number “0247” while continuing to hold the "Alt" key.
Step 5
Release the “Alt” key, and the division sign will appear.
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