Parts of the Internet Explorer Window

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Internet Explorer is a popular web browser that comes standard on many PCs. Once you know the basic parts of the Internet Explorer window, you'll be ready for web navigation, bookmarking and searching. Additionally, you'll be prepared with the necessary window-based terminology to understand more advanced Internet Explorer tutorials and guides.


Basic Window Buttons

Video of the Day

Internet Explorer: Basic Window Buttons

Standard Windows Operating Systems buttons are located at the top-right corner of any Internet Explorer window. The far right button closes Internet Explorer, the middle button adjusts the window size, and the leftmost of the three buttons minimizes the window.


Video of the Day

Web Address Field

Internet Explorer: Web Address Field

The "Web Address Field," located near the top-left of the window, shows the current page's URL---otherwise known as web address. To navigate to a new address, simply type it into the field.


Back and Forward Buttons

Internet Explorer: Back/Forward Buttons

These navigation buttons, located at the top-left, allow you to go back to previous websites with a simple click. Navigate forward by clicking the arrow pointing to the right.



Tab Button

Internet Explorer: Tab Button

Located near the title of the current website, the "Tab Button" is clicked to open a new browser "Tab" for easy back-and-forth browsing between multiple URLs.


Search Field

Internet Explorer: Search Field

The "Search Field" lets you type in a web query. Press enter for an instant search.



Tools Menu

Internet Explorer: Tools Menu

The "Tools Menu" is a very important feature, allowing you to access the "Internet Options" window for homepage selection, security features, web permissions and other advanced Internet Explorer options.


