How to Recover Deleted Internet History in Firefox

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Mozilla Firefox stores your Internet browsing history.

Mozilla Firefox—an Internet browsing software—keeps a record of each website you visit, called a "history." If it is accidentally deleted, you can restore this information using the System Restore feature. System Restore returns your computer to a previous state without affecting your files and other saved data. In addition, changes made by System Restore are fully reversible, limiting unwanted changes or errors. You can use System Restore to recover deleted Internet history in Firefox.


Step 1

Save any documents you are working on and close all open programs on your computer.

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Step 2

Open the System Restore utility. Click "Start," then point to "All Programs," then "Accessories" and "System Tools." Click "System Restore" on the "System Tools" menu.


Step 3

Select a restore point. In the "Welcome to System Restore" window, click the "Next" button. Select a restore point from the calendar on the left side of the screen. The window provides the most recent restore points in bold numbers. Click the "Next" button.

Step 4

Confirm your selection. Review the restore point date and time. Confirm your selection by clicking the "Next" button. Your system will collect the required information and begin the process. Your computer will shut down and restart when the restoration is complete.



Step 5

Open your Firefox browser. Once the system restore is complete, open Firefox, click "History" on the menu bar and select "Show all history." Firefox will list each website visited prior to and including the restore point date.

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