How to Reset BIOS on an Asus Laptop

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Reset the BIOS settings after repairing or upgrading your ASUS laptop,

Reset the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) if you replace components or perform upgrades inside your Asus laptop. The BIOS contains all of the hardware settings for your notebook and you can update it to ensure compatibility with the operating system. BIOS can sometimes automatically detect changes in hardware while some replacements require a manual BIOS reset. Resetting the BIOS is easy and only takes a couple of minutes.


Step 1

Power-on the notebook. As soon as you see the initial boot screen or Asus logo, press the "F2" key. (Note - On older Asus notebooks, you may need to press the "Delete" key.)

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Step 2

Wait for the BIOS setup screen to appear. If prompted to enter a BIOS password, input the password and press the "Enter" key.


Step 3

Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate to the "Standard Configuration Settings" tab. Press the "Enter" key.

Step 4

Navigate to the "Time and Date" settings on the screen. Use the "+" and "-" keys to set the current date and time.


Step 5

Use the arrow keys to move to the "IDE Primary Master" field and press the "Enter" key. Do the same for the "IDE Primary Slave" field. The BIOS will update your hard drive and optical drive settings. (Note - Newer Asus notebooks may have "SATA" instead of "IDE" in the fields because they use newer types of hard drives and optical drives.)



Step 6

Press the "ESC" key to return to the main BIOS setup screen.

Step 7

Press the "F7"key to load optimized default settings for the ASUS laptop.

Step 8

Press the "F10" key to save the BIOS settings and exit the setup utility. When asked to confirm the settings, press the "Enter" key. The computer will restart and boot into the operating system.

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