Samsung TV Problems: No Sound -- Do I Unplug It?

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Watching TV can be enjoyable if the TV puts out sound.
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Sometimes a problem occurs that causes the sound on your Samsung TV to malfunction. Temporarily unplugging your TV may resolve a problem resulting from an unexplained glitch. If the problem persists, however, you must troubleshoot to determine the cause before you can restore your Samsung TV's functionality. Potential problems include incorrect speaker selection, problematic cable connections and trouble with external equipment. You can use the Sound Test feature available in many Samsung models to test your TV's functionality, which allows you to rule out hardware failure.


Sound Test

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Many Samsung TVs feature a series of tests used to diagnose potential problems. The Sound Test is typically accessed by pressing "Menu" on the TV remote and then selecting "Support," "Self Diagnosis" and "Sound Test." This test plays a melody sound through the TV's speakers. This allows you to determine if the problem lies with your TV hardware. If you cannot hear the melody played during the test, then your TV most likely has experienced some sort of hardware failure. If you can hear the test melody, then you must continue to troubleshoot to determine what is causing the audio problem with your Samsung TV.


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Speaker Selection

When images display properly on your screen but no audio plays, the Speaker Select setting may be incorrect. The Speaker Select setting allows you to choose between using an external device or your Samsung TV's internal speakers for audio output. To view or modify this setting for most Samsung TV models, press the "Menu" button on your TV's remote control and select the "Sound" menu option. Select "TV Speaker," and then set the TV Speaker option to "On."



The cables used to form the connections between your Samsung TV and other input and output sources, including cable boxes, receivers and speakers, allow the devices to communicate with one another. Using an incorrect cable may cause a problematic connection, resulting in diminished audio and video quality. For example, if you use a DVI-to-HDMI cable to connect a receiver to your TV, you also must connect a separate audio cable. Failure to do so results in the lack of audio when using the receiver as your input source. The cables needed to form these connections vary, so refer to your equipment user's guide for device-specific requirements.



External Hardware

Problems with the hardware connected to your Samsung TV may result in audio failure. For example, if you have connected external speakers to your TV and those speakers malfunction, you may not hear any sound. Removing the speakers and, if necessary, modifying the speaker source setting on your TV helps to confirm this diagnosis and restore audio functionality. Refer to the owner's manual of each connected piece of equipment for additional device-specific troubleshooting information.


Hardware Failure

When troubleshooting determines that your Samsung TV has experienced hardware failure, you must decide between repairing and replacing your TV. If you decide to have your TV serviced, then the original factory warranty or an extended warranty purchased along with the TV may cover the costs associated with the repair. Refer to the information included in the warranty for details on how to have your Samsung TV serviced. In addition, you may be able to return your Samsung TV to the store for a refund or replacement, depending on the original purchase date.



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