In addition to music, Walkman users can listen to or view podcasts. Podcasts are typically episodic and often feature Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds which allow users to subscribe and get new podcasts automatically. Podcasts are typically audio files, but there are also video podcasts available for download. To play a video podcast, your Walkman must have video capabilities. If you subscribe via RSS, Sony's Media Manager for Walkman software will manage podcast downloads to the Walkman.
Step 1
Connect the Sony Walkman to the computer using the USB cable.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Open the Media Manager for Walkman software and click on the "Podcast Mode" tab.
Step 3
Find a podcast feed on the Internet. Podcasts can be found on many websites, including podcast directories like Podcast, PodcastAlley, and even sites like CNN and MSNBC.
Step 4
Copy the feed link from the browser window to the "My Feeds" list in the Media Manager for Walkman software interface. For example, if subscribing to a CNN podcast, click on the "Subscribe" button underneath the podcast. Then copy the RSS link under "Subscribe Now."
Step 5
Select the "Add Podcast" button at the top of the left pane in the Media Manager. Choose "Add Podcast." Select "Ctrl + V" to paste the RSS URL link for the podcast in the "Enter the Podcast's URL" field. Press "OK." The software will download all episodes for that podcast.
Step 6
Select the podcast that will be downloaded to the Walkman in the "My Podcasts" list in the Media Manager interface.
Step 7
Click the "Podcast Options" button below the podcast description and specify how many episodes you want to download.
Step 8
Hit the "Transfer to Walkman" button and the podcast episode(s) will be transferred.
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