The Impact of Information Technology on Communication

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Communication, the exchange of ideas, has become faster, easier, and more efficient due to advances in technology. Cell phones, social networking websites, e-mail, and instant messaging are examples of technology which enable communication. Information technology plays a crucial role in using technology to communicate.


Information Technology

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The area of information technology is responsible for the development and maintenance of technology. The maintenance performed by IT trained personnel keeps technology based communication channels working properly.


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Communication Tools and IT

Technology-based communication involves computer software, computer hardware, Internet applications and operating systems. Enhancement of these communication tools are the product of hard-working IT professionals.


Memory Management

E-mail is a popular form of communication for academic institutions and businesses. Each e-mail you have in your e-mail box takes up a certain amount of memory on the system's server. The amount of memory available on the server is managed by information technology personnel.




Schools and businesses usually have an IT department or at least one IT professional. One task an IT department is responsible for is troubleshooting. Whenever there is a problem with a technology-based communication tool the IT department is called to diagnose and fix the problem.



To prevent problems, IT personnel give guidelines for people to follow. For example, with e-mail you should compound several smaller messages into one e-mail so you do not use up unnecessary memory.


