Bluetooth stereo equipment, such as headsets, runs on the 2.4 GHz bandwidth, which is available in most countries. The stereo equipment must be paired with a second device, such as a Bluetooth-capable phone, which provides the music to be played. When you hear a clicking noise, an outside source of interference is likely to blame.
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Bluetooth technology relies on short-range wireless communication between two devices using networks called piconets. Ideally, paired Bluetooth-enabled devices automatically communicate whenever they are within range of each other and the audio is clear. If you hear an anomaly, such as clicking or jumping in the audio, the wireless communication has been compromised.
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If you are hearing a clicking sound in a Bluetooth stereo device, one likely cause is interference from a nearby device. While Bluetooth was designed with adaptive frequency hopping to avoid interference, sometimes it still happens. Household devices that can cause interference include microwaves, cordless telephones and LCD monitors. Move your Bluetooth away from these electronics to reduce the probability of wireless interference.
Software Issues
If you are using your Bluetooth stereo device with an Apple iPhone or other device that runs iOS, updating to a newer version of iOS may cause the Bluetooth unit to not function properly. When this happens, it indicates your Bluetooth stereo does not conform to industry Bluetooth standards and has become incompatible with the iOS. Contact the Bluetooth stereo manufacturer to resolve the problem or return the device.
Bluetooth devices do not have unlimited range. The farther your Bluetooth stereo headset is away from the music source, the more likely the audio is to deteriorate. While Bluetooth mandates that all devices have a range of at least 30 feet of coverage, some stereo devices may afford a larger range. Always check with the manufacturer to determine how far apart your Bluetooth devices can be away from each other and still be functional.