Television pixelation is a picture anomaly that takes the form of small blocks moving rapidly. Some call it the "block" or "jigsaw puzzle" effect. However you describe it, it is an annoying problem that can be caused by multiple factors. Use these tips and tricks to ensure that pixelation doesn't ruin your next LCD television viewing experience.
What it is
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Pixelation occurs when the incoming signal to your TV is weak or incomplete. As a result, the TV doesn't have all the data it needs to process the image incorrectly, and pixelation occurs. In layman terms, it can be thought of as the TV's manifestation an incomplete image. The causes of this problem usually stems from incomplete or incorrect digital or analog signals.
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How to fix it
A weak cable signal is the most likely culprit. If your pixelation problem is accompanied by sound hitching, trace the signal to the source. If you watch digital cable TV, make sure your cables are plugged in securely to your cable box and that your incoming cable signal is of sufficient strength. Call your cable provider in order to measure this.
If you watch over-the-air HD channels on your LCD television and are experiencing pixelation, it might be an antenna issue. Install an external or rooftop antenna to increase your signal strength.
If you experience pixelation while watching DVDs, a scratched disc may be the culprit. Clean the offending DVD with a dry cloth by wiping from the inside edge to the outside edge. Never wipe in a circular motion around the disc. If your DVD is badly damaged, buy a DVD repair kit that includes the necessary tools to fill in the deep scratches on your DVD. If your DVD player has problems playing all DVDs, it may be an issue to the laser transport on the player.
How to prevent it
When dealing with cable signals in your house, it is important to remember there is only enough "signal" to go around. If you have multiple TVs and multiple splitters that snake your cable into every room in the house, you may experience weak signals. Coaxial cable splitters reduce the strength of the signal by half, so remove these whenever possible. Have a cable employee visit your house to identify and solve these problems to increase your cable's signal strength.
Buy a quality DVD player. DVD players in the sub $100 range will not last as long as nicer players. Research before buying a DVD player and get the best one you can afford. It will play damaged DVDs more willingly, and you'll be rewarded with better picture quality and a prolonged life without pixelation.