What Is a Bluetooth Port?

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What Is a Bluetooth Port?

Bluetooth technology has revolutionized the market for wireless devices. It's cheap, consumes low energy, and has been implemented in various aspects of our lives including cars, audio devices, and most commonly in mobile phones. And while the technology may be rapidly changing, Bluetooth still requires two simple features: the ports.



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Bluetooth uses short-range radio frequencies to transmit information from fixed and mobile devices. These devices must be within the range of 32 feet, or 10 meters for Bluetooth to effectively work.


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It's named after the Danish king Harald "Bluetooth" Blaatand, whose most notable achievement is uniting the Scandinavian Europe--Denmark and Norway--into a single tribe. The founders of Bluetooth took his name and used it as the logo not only because Bluetooth was first developed in Scandinavia, but also because of its symbolic significance. Bluetooth unifies telecommunications with computing and networking. Founded in 1998, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, Bluetooth was originally designed to transfer voice and data. But since then, it has evolved and has been applied to everyday life.



A Bluetooth port enables connections for Bluetooth-enabled devices for synchronizing. Typically there are two types of ports: incoming and outgoing. The incoming port enables the device to receive connections from Bluetooth devices while the outgoing port makes connections to Bluetooth devices.



Most popularly, Bluetooth technology has been used for mobile phones, keyboards, mouses and wireless networking between PCs. Popular game consoles such as the Nintendo Wii and Playstation 3 also use Bluetooth for their controllers. There is an ever-growing demand for Bluetooth technology because today's demands are coming faster. Bluetooth allows us to meet those demands by providing mobility.



The range of Bluetooth is currently limited, but in the future we may see greater bandwidth and distances, which will enable Bluetooth to compete with other wireless technologies. Bluetooth stands out because it's automatic, has low interference and is always being upgraded.

