How to Design an Amazon Product Storefront

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An Amazon Webstore is like a storefront for your small business on the Web.
Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

Although most consumers know Amazon as an online book seller, the company actually offers a wide range of services, including e-commerce solutions for independent sellers to set up a storefront and sell their own products on the site. For small businesses on a limited budget or with limited technological expertise, setting up an Amazon Webstore can be a good alternative for selling products online, requiring only a few steps to design a store from a template and customize basic layout and design features.


Step 1

Log in to your account on the Amazon Webstore homepage. If you do not already have an account, you can easily sign up for one by providing some personal information and confirming your email address.

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Step 2

Click on the "Store Design" Tab on the top of the screen and select "Themes and Design" from the drop-down menu.


Step 3

Browse the different template options and select the most appropriate design for your storefront. Click on the desired template to open the theme window.

Step 4

Click on the "Customize This Theme" on the right of the window and select any changes you would like to make, such as uploading a company logo, changing text or template colors or setting up your own navigation. Click on "Save Changes" to save any customization options and then click on "Apply to My Webstore" in the main theme window.


Step 5

Click on the "Store Design" tab at the top of the page again and select "Merchandising and Layout" to enter the visual editor for each individual page of your Webstore site.


Step 6

Select the page you want to edit from the left-hand menu, which includes all of the pages in your template site.


Step 7

Drag and drop any item from the top menu onto a slot on the page to add the feature. To add an image to a page, for example, click on the "Image" icon on the header and drag and drop it into an open slot on the page. Select the image you want to use from your computer and click on "Save" to apply the change.


Step 8

Click on the "Store Design" tab and select "Publish." Click on "Publish My Webstore" to make all of the changes you just made go live.

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