How to Make It So Someone on Facebook Can't See Your Pictures

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Prevent contacts from viewing photos on Facebook.
Image Credit: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Adding business contacts and colleagues to your Facebook friends list is a convenient way to network and interact with them, but you might not want some contacts to see your more personal photo uploads. Facebook allows you to configure the privacy settings for each photo album so that you can prevent certain contacts from viewing the images. You can also block access to your individual profile photos, mobile photo uploads and the photos that appear on your Facebook Timeline Wall with the audience selector tool.


Block Someone From Viewing a Facebook Photo Album

Video of the Day

Step 1

Sign in to your Facebook account.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click your name on the right of the top menu bar to open your Facebook Timeline.


Step 3

Click the "Photos" tab at the top of the screen.

Step 4

Click the audience selector tool--displayed as gear icon--under the album that contains the photos you want to prevent your contact from viewing.


Step 5

Select "Custom" from the drop-down menu.

Step 6

Click the down-arrow button beside "These people or lists" in the Custom Privacy pop-up window to choose the audience you wish to allow to see the photo.


Step 7

Type the name of the contact that you want to block in the "Hide this from" input field.

Step 8

Click the blue "Save Changes" button to store and implement your changes.


Block Someone From Viewing Your Facebook Profile Photos, Mobile Uploads and Wall Photos

Step 1

Click the "Photos" tab at the top of your Facebook Timeline.


Step 2

Click to open the Wall Photos, Profile Pictures or Mobile Uploads album.


Step 3

Select the photo that you want to block your contact from viewing.

Step 4

Click the audience selector tool in the top right of the expanded photo pane, just under your name and the upload date.


Step 5

Select "Custom" from the drop-down menu.

Step 6

Click the "These people or lists" menu down-arrow button to select who you wish to allow to view the photo.

Step 7

Type the name of the contact that you want to block in the "Hide this from" input field.


Step 8

Click the blue "Save Changes" button.

Step 9

Repeat this procedure for each photo that you want to block in the Wall Photos, Profile Pictures or Mobile Uploads albums.



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