How to Share a Link on Facebook

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Sometimes the "Like" button is replaced with "Recommend."
Image Credit: Rainier Ehrhardt/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Sharing content is the cornerstone of the Facebook experience. While status updates and business events are important, most people use links to share information and start discussions. When it comes to engaging your fans on your business' Facebook page, you can share links to your own blog posts and website pages, or you can share links to articles relevant to your industry. You can share manually from your Facebook page or by using a built-in share widget.



Video of the Day

Step 1

Copy the link of the article or website that you want to share. You can select your entire link in most browsers by pressing "Ctrl-L" on your keyboard; then pressing "Ctrl-C" to copy the URL.


Video of the Day

Step 2

Go to your Facebook page and paste the URL into the status update box. It will take a few seconds; Facebook then will generate a Link Preview box below your status update. Once this is done, you can remove the link itself from the status box; it is not necessary to keep the link preview.

Step 3

Add any necessary commentary to the link, then click the "Post" button to share the link to your Facebook wall.


Using a Share Widget

Step 1

Click the sharing widget that indicates Facebook. Sharing widgets on articles and blog posts are usually located at either the top or the bottom of a post, and offer several social networks in addition to Facebook. If the widget uses a Like button, it will show a pop-up window that allows you to enter any additional text to your link, but it will also post to your active Facebook profile, not your business page. If it was a Share button, a new window will open that allows you to share the link without also liking it; the Share window also offers a drop-down menu for selecting which profile or page that you share your link on. The Like button has supplanted the Share button in functionality, but both are still used on the Web.



Step 2

Add commentary to your link. Commentary helps your audience understand why this link is appropriate to your page and why they should consider clicking the link.

Step 3

Click "Post" if you clicked a Like button, or "Share" if you're using a Share button.


