How Do I Generate a Read Receipt for a Hotmail Message?

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Generate a read receipt when you send a message from a Hotmail account to receive a notification once the recipient has opened the message. Hotmail's Web interface doesn't support read receipt functionality, so it's necessary to access the account through a desktop email client to take advantage of it. Use Outlook Express, which is factory installed on all versions of Windows, if you don't have your own desktop email client.


Step 1

Open the "Start" menu and choose "Outlook Express." Add your account if you haven't already. Select "Accounts" from the "Tools" drop-down menu and click "Add." Input your Hotmail email address, click "Next," select "POP3" and type in "" in both the "Ingoing" and "Outgoing" fields. Click "Next" and input your email address into the "Account Name" field, input your Hotmail password and choose "Finish."


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Step 2

Select "Compose" and compose a message to send to a recipient. Input the email address, a subject and a body for the message.

Step 3

Choose the "Tools" drop-down menu from the message window. Select "Request Read Receipt." Click "Send" and you receive a notification once the recipient opens your message.


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