While Microsoft Outlook 2013 does not provide native support for two-way synchronizing between separate calendars, you can manually perform a one-way sync by copying your appointments from one Outlook calendar to another. If you would like to sync your calendar with a calendar belonging to another person in your organization, you can adjust your calendar's sharing permissions using the Calendar Permissions command. You can share your entire calendar with another contact in your organization by sending them a sharing invitation. Calendar sharing is available only for Microsoft Exchange or Office 365 subscribers within the same organization.
One-Way Calendar Syncing
Video of the Day
Step 1
Select your Outlook calendar. Click "Calendar" in the bottom navigation pane and then open the calendar containing the appointments you wish to copy to another calendar.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Copy all of your appointments in List view. Click the "View" tab, "Change View" drop-down button in the Current View group and then select "List." Press "Ctrl-A" to select all of your appointments and "Ctrl-C" to copy.
Step 3
Copy your appointments to another calendar. Select the other calendar for which you want your appointments copied and then press "Ctrl-V." You can use this method with any view of your calendar. If your calendar includes meetings, a dialog appears asking for confirmation. Select "Accept the Meetings" or "Tentatively Accept the Meetings" if you want your calendar to automatically sync changes when the original meeting is updated. Click "Copy the Meetings" if you want copies of your meetings with no connection to your original meetings.
Editing Calendar Permissions
Step 1
Select your Exchange or Office 365 calendar in Outlook's Calendar pane and then click the "Calendar Permission" button in the Share group of the Home ribbon.
Step 2
Select the person which whom you want to share your calendar in the first box on the Permissions tab. Alternatively, click "Add…," double-click a contact's name and then click "OK" to add a new contact to your calendar's permissions.
Step 3
Configure your calendar's permissions, depending on what level of access you wish to give your contact. If you want to grant full-ownership to your calendar, select "Owner" from the "Permission level" box. Select, check and uncheck any of the options under the Permissions group if you want to customize your contact's permissions. Detailed descriptions of each permission level are available on the Office Online website (link in Resources). Click "OK."
Sharing Calendars with Others in your Organization
Step 1
Open your calendar. Select your calendar from the list on the left sidebar in Outlook's Calendar pane. Be sure to select your Exchange or Office 365 calendar.
Step 2
Click the "Share Calendar" button in the Share group of the Home ribbon. Alternatively, right-click on your calendar in the left sidebar, select "Share" and then "Share Calendar."
Step 3
Share your calendar. Enter the recipient's name or email into the field next to "To…" For example, enter the email address associated with the other calendar you wish to sync. Select "Full Details" from the drop-down next to Details. This option shares every detail of your calendar with the recipient. Click the "Send" button. If prompted, select "Yes" to confirm. Depending on the size of your calendar, it may take a few minutes to send the invitation.
Step 4
Open the calendar from the sharing invitation in the recipient's Outlook inbox. Click the "Open this Calendar" button at the top of the message. The shared calendar becomes available in the Calendar navigation pane.