How to Add an ITIL Certification to an Email Signature

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Most email clients such as Microsoft Outlook, enable users to create and edit email signatures that can be attached to outgoing email messages. You can also edit an existing signature to enhance your information, should the need arise. If you have just completed a certification process such as an ITIL or PMP certification or have attained a professional title to add to your signature, you can easily edit your existing email signature to add the additional information.


Step 1

Open the email program and navigate to the "Email Signatures" area. In Microsoft Outlook first click "New" to create a new message. In the Message window click the "Signature" option, then click "Signatures." A list of existing signatures displays.

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Step 2

Click on the signature to edit. The Edit Signature input box opens.

Step 3

Type the new certification or title into the email signature. Select the text, then click the "Style" or "Formatting" button to format the text.


Step 4

Click "OK." Your new certification is added to your email signature.

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