TracFone offers prepaid service, including features such as text messaging, to customers across the United States. Text messaging service is assessed a per-message fee for sending and opening received messages. Blocking text messages on your phone saves you from paying unwanted fees on your mobile account. After you block text messaging service with TracFone, you will not be able to send or receive any text messages.
Step 1
Contact TracFone customer service at 1-800-867-7183 and notify a customer service agent that you would like to disable your text messaging service. Be sure to call from a phone other than your mobile phone, as you will be required to turn the phone off and back on during the call.
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Step 2
Provide the agent with your account information, including your mobile phone number, your name and your phone's serial number to verify your account. The serial number is located on the back of your phone, under the battery on a white label.
Step 3
Turn your phone's power off and back on to update your service and complete the text-disabling process.
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