EXE (.exe) is the general file extension for an executable file (ie. a program) in the Microsoft Windows, DOS, Open VMS, and OS/2 operating systems. In computing, CAB is the Microsoft Windows native compressed archive format. It supports compression and digital signing, and is used in a variety of Microsoft installation engines: Setup API, Device Installer, AdvPack (for the installation of ActiveX components from Internet Explorer) and Windows Installer. CAB (.cab) is a Microsoft file extension and format for three methods of data compression: DEFLATE, Quantum, and LZX. In order to convert an EXE file to CAB, a conversion program must be used. Several of these are available online as free trial downloads.
Conversion with Cab Maker 2.0
Video of the Day
Step 1
Download and install Cab Maker 2.0.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Run the conversion program on the desktop. Click the "Add" button in the main window. Select an EXE (*.exe) file for conversion. Click "Add."
Step 3
Click the "..." button in the "Cab Creation Options" field. Select a target destination for the converted CAB file. Click "OK."
Step 4
Enter the name of the CAB file in the "Name of the .cab file:" field, being sure to include ".cab" at the end of the name.
Step 5
Click the "Start" button in the bottom-right area of the main window to begin the conversion process.
Conversion with EXE to CAB Converter
Step 1
Download and install EXE to CAB Converter.
Step 2
Run the conversion program on the desktop. Click the "Add" button in the main window. Choose an EXE file for conversion. Click "Open."
Step 3
Click the "Browse" button next to the "Destination" field. Select a target destination for the converted CAB file. Click "OK."
Step 4
Click the "Convert" button to begin the EXE-to-CAB conversion process.