How to Convert LDIF Files to CSV Files

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LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format) files and CSV (Comma Separated Values) files both are data files that are the output for address book and calendar event exports, as well as other types of data exports. For example, certain email programs will export contact information only in LDIF format, while other programs will export to the CSV format. The CSV format is utilized by most programs that process import data. To convert LDIF files to the CSV format to be utilized by an import process that supports CSV imports, download the free LDIF2CSV conversion tool from


Step 1

Download, install and open LDIF2CSV.

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Step 2

Click the button with the ellipsis (three dots) at the top of the window. A navigation window opens.

Step 3

Navigate to and click on the LDIF file you wish to convert. Click "Open."

Step 4

Click the "Load/Refresh" button. The file loads into the converter.


Step 5

Check the check box labeled "Remove CF/LF."

Step 6

Click the "Save To" button and select the location to which you want to save the new CSV file. The program will convert the file and save it to the specified location.

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