How to Copy Outlook Address Book to Another Computer

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How to Copy Outlook Address Book to Another Computer. If you use your Outlook address book a lot, the idea of having to transfer all that data to a new computer may be overwhelming. However, you don't need to spend several hours retyping all your information. Here is an easier way to copy your Outlook address book from one computer to another.


Copying the File

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Step 1

Open your Outlook program and select "File" and "Export" from the menu. Click on "Address Book." If the program asks you which action to perform, select "Export to a file."

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Step 2

Select "Text File" or "Comma Separated Values (Windows)," depending on which version of Outlook you are using.

Step 3

Choose "Yes" if a dialog box appears asking you to install the required translator.


Step 4

Click on "Contacts" when the "Export to a File" dialog box appears. Click "Next" or "Export," depending on which version of Outlook you are using.

Step 5

Type a name for your exported file, and select "Next." Click "Finish" and wait as the program exports your file.


Step 6

Find the file, which will be under the file name you entered in Step 5 and with a .csv file extension. Copy it onto a floppy disk, USB jump drive or a similar external storage device.

Restoring the File on Another Computer

Step 1

Insert the storage device into the new computer. Open Outlook and select "Import" from the "File" menu.



Step 2

Choose "Other Address Book" or "Import from another program or file," depending on which version of Outlook you are using. Click "Next."

Step 3

Make sure "Comma Separated Values (Windows)" is highlighted. Click "Next."


Step 4

Click "Browse" to navigate to the storage device and the file you copied from the other computer. Highlight it and click "OK." Choose your preference regarding duplicates, and click "Next."

Step 5

Highlight "Contacts." Click "Next," and then click "Finished."

