How to Transfer Outlook Contacts From One Computer to Another

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Transferring your Outlook contacts from one computer to another is a relatively simple process and can save huge amounts of time if you're migrating from address book that you've been building for several years. You can also use this process if you need to reinstall Windows or reformat your hard drive or if you're migrating to a newer version of Outlook from an older version. Prior to beginning the transfer process, remove any duplicate contacts from your list and delete any old or outdated contacts.


Outlook 2003

Video of the Day

Step 1

Open Outlook on the computer that contains the contacts.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click on "File" in the menu bar. Select "Import and Export."


Step 3

Choose "Export to a file." Click "Next."

Step 4

Select "Personal Folder File (.pst)." Click "Next."

Step 5

Select the "Contacts" folder. Choose the check box next to "Include subfolders" if you have a contacts subfolder that you wish to also transfer. Click "Next."


Step 6

Click "Browse" under "Save Exported File As" and select a directory where you'll save your contacts. Choose an easy-to-remember location such as your desktop, your "Documents" folder or another customer folder.

Step 7

Enter a name for your backed-up contacts, such as "Contacts Backup" or "Contacts Transfer."


Step 8

Click "Finish."

Step 9

Copy the file to removable storage or media such as a USB thumb drive, an external hard drive, or to a CD/DVD.


Step 10

Open Outlook on the second computer. Insert the media device where you stored the contacts backup.


Step 11

Click on "File," then "Import and Export."

Step 12

Choose "Import from another program or file." Click "Next."

Step 13

Select "Personal Folder File (.pst)." Click "Next."


Step 14

Browse to the drive or directory and find the contacts backup file you created earlier. Select it, and click "Open."

Step 15

Choose to "Replace duplicates with items imported," "Allow duplicates to be created" or "Do not import duplicate items." Click "Next."


Step 16

Adjust the fields that contain your contacts information as needed. Click on "OK."

Step 17

Click "Finish."


Outlook 2007

Step 1

Open Outlook on the computer that contains the contacts.


Step 2

Click on "File" in the menu bar. Select "Import and Export."

Step 3

Choose "Export to a file." Click "Next."

Step 4

Highlight "Comma Separated Values (Windows)." Click "Next."


Step 5

Select your "Contacts" folder, and click "Next."

Step 6

Browse to the directory where you wish to save your contacts backup. Enter a name, such as "Contacts Backup," then press "Save." Click "Next."


Step 7

Click "Next," then "Finish."

Step 8

Copy the file to removable storage or media such as a USB thumb drive, an external hard drive, or to a CD/DVD.


Step 9

Open Outlook on the second computer. Insert the media that contains the contacts backup.

Step 10

Click on "File," then "Import and Export."

Step 11

Click "Next."

Step 12

Highlight "Import from another program or file." Click "Next."

Step 13

Highlight "Comma Separated Values (.csv)," then click "Next."

Step 14

Click "Yes" if Outlook asks to install a translator.

Step 15

Click "Browse" to navigate to the directory that contains your backed up contacts. Highlight the file, and click "Open."

Step 16

Choose to "Replace duplicates with items imported," "Allow duplicates to be created" or "Do not import duplicate items." Click "Next."

Step 17

Adjust the fields that contain your contacts information as needed. Click on "OK."

Step 18

Click "Finish."



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