Flowcharts can be a great way to organize data and represent a process. Software engineers use flowcharts to visualize the information processing system. Web designers use flowcharts to organize the infrastructure of the website. Textbook authors use flowcharts to help students visualize intangible concepts. Using the shapes, type and line tools, you can quickly create visually appealing flowcharts in InDesign.
Step 1

Select the "Rectangle" tool and draw a square for your first box. Create a new Object style. Change the stroke and stroke corner and effects. Then, click "OK."
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Step 2

Select the "Type" tool and enter the first step in the box. Center the text inside the box. Then, group the text and the box.
Step 3

Select the "Line" tool. Hold down shift as you draw a line that will connect the next box. Select the line and the box and click on the "Align Horizontal Centers" button. Create a new Object style. Change the stroke and stroke corner and effects. Then, click "OK."
Step 4

Create the remaining boxes, text and lines for the flowchart. Hold down the "Alt" key until a black and white arrowhead appears over the object and drag the box or arrow to the new location. Then, change the text. Alternatively, you can repeat steps 1 through 3. To apply the object style, select the box or arrow. Then, click on the appropriate object style.
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