How to Create Folders on a Flash Drive

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Image Credit: Jeffrey Hamilton/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Flash drives are excellent for backing up data on your computer and transporting files to and from work without having to carry an external hard drive. Keeping your files organized on a flash drive is simple; you can add and remove folders from a flash drive just like you can on your computer. Whether you use a Windows- or Mac-based computer, creating folders on a flash drive is a quick and simple procedure.


Creating Folders on a Flash Drive in Windows

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Step 1

Open your flash drive in a Windows Explorer window.

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Step 2

Right-click in the window to activate the context menu and select "Folder" from the "New" sub-menu. You can also create a new folder by selecting "New" from the "File" menu and choosing "Folder."


Step 3

Give your new folder a name and press "Enter."

Creating a Folder on a Flash Drive in Mac OS X

Step 1

Open your flash drive in Finder.



Step 2

Select "New Folder" from the "File" menu.

Step 3

Give your new folder a name and press "Enter."


