How to Create Tar Files on Windows

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Tar files are typically used in Linux and Unix systems. They are the equivalent of Zip files for Windows systems. A Tar file is a compressed archive file. Compressing files allows you to save space on your hard drive, transport smaller file sizes and reduce file sizes for uploading in emails. Another reason you may want to compress a file is to create a single file out of a folder full of related information. You can create Tar files for free in Windows.


Step 1

Download and install Quick Zip (see Resources). Double-click the downloaded file to begin the installation wizard. Choose where to install Quick Zip and which shortcuts to create.

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Step 2

Open Quick Zip. Click "New" on the toolbar and type a name for your Tar archive file in the "File Name" box. Browse to the location where you wish to create the Tar archive file. Press "Open" to choose options for your archive.


Step 3

Use the folders at the left and folder drop-down menu to choose files to add under the "File Selection" tab. You can select multiple files in a single folder. Press "Add" when finished. You can add more files later on. You can also choose "Show Checkboxes" in order to check the files you wish to add.



Step 4

Repeat Step 4 until you've added all files you wish to add during this session. Press "Add" under the "Added List" tab to create your Tar file.

Step 5

Exit Quick Zip once all desired files are added. Your Tar file will be in the location you chose in Step 3.

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