How to Draw Spirals Using Python

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Python's "turtle" module supports triangular spirals wherein triangles wind around each other at increasing lengths, thus producing a spiral. Drawing such a shape entails delving into a more advanced programming function known as a "for" loop. This allows you to make the computer repeat certain code a number of times, thus removing the need for you to manually type that code over and over again.


Step 1

Import the "turtle" module:

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import turtle

The turtle appears at the x=0 and y=0 coordinate of the turtle grid.


Step 2

Change the turtle's starting position by using the "setpos" function:

turtle.setpos(x, y)

Replace "x" with the desired "x" coordinate and "y" with the desired "y" coordinate.


Step 3

Declare two variables -- one for the distance the turtle should move each loop, and one for the first loop's starting angle:

distance = 120 angle = 10

Step 4

Create a "for" loop that established a variable "i" in a range of "x." The latter value refers to the number of loops the turtle will make:


for i in range(x):


Replace "x" with a large number to achieve a big spiral or a small number to achieve a smaller spiral.

Step 5

Insert "turtle.forward" and "turtle.left" movement codes into the loop to make the turtle move. Use the variables you previously declared:


turtle.forward(distance) turtle.left(angle)

Step 6

Add a step immediately after the movement code that increases the movement angle during each loop. This is necessary to mimic the shape of a spiral:

angle = angle + 5

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