How to Find Deleted Facebook Pages

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When a Facebook page is deleted, it's not necessarily gone for good. The Internet has a long memory, and there are multiple ways to locate a deleted Facebook page if you—or a potential boss—are curious enough. If you've deleted your Facebook page by mistake, or later changed your mind, you can also use these methods to recover your data and create a new one.


Step 1

Check the Internet Archive at "" The website specializes in retaining old copies of various websites, called cached pages.

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Step 2

Check Google's cache by searching the following string on Google: "Your Name"


If any results appear, click the "Cached" link under the result to see Google's saved copy of it.

Step 3

Check Bing's cache by searching the following string on Bing: "Your Name"


If any results appear, click the "Cached page" link under the result to see Bing's saved copy of it.


Step 4

Check Yahoo's cache by searching the following strong on "Your Name"

If any results appear, click the "Cached" link under the result to see Yahoo's saved copy of it.

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