How to Find Out What Version of iTunes You Have

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How to Find Out What Version of iTunes You Have
Image Credit: m-imagephotography/iStock/Getty Images

Knowing what version of iTunes you have installed can help you stay on top of software updates. This helps you keep your iTunes application up-to-date with the latest features, and may repair any bugs or glitches from an older, outdated version of the program. If you have an iPod, iPhone or iPad, keeping up with what version of iTunes you have is critical for maintaining your Apple device.


Step 1

Launch iTunes.

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Step 2

Open the "Help" menu at the top of the iTunes program window.

Step 3

Select the "About iTunes" option from the Help drop-down menu. A window appears.



Step 4

Press the "Space" bar of your keyboard to pause the scrolling text of the window. The first line of the scrolling text to appear lists what version of iTunes you are currently running.

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