How to Fix a F61 Error on a Panasonic Home Theater System

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An F61 error occurs on a Panasonic home theater system when the speaker cable wire connections are wrong. This situation is likely to happen if you just purchased your unit or moved the system and try to reconnect the speakers again. Polarity is key in a successful setup. The positive and negative ends of the cable wires must match the input of the main unit. Retrace your speaker wire connections to clear error F61.


Step 1

Attach the speaker labels to the speaker wires for easier identification, if they're not already labeled. At minimum, labels for front left (L), front right (R) and center speakers should be included in the packaging contents that came with your system.

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Step 2

Verify that the white ends of each speaker cable are connected to the corresponding "+" positive inputs for each speaker.


Step 3

Verify that the blue ends of each speaker cable are connected to the corresponding "-" negative inputs for each speaker.

Step 4

Push the plastic ends of the speaker wires on each speaker to verify that each is locked into place.


Step 5

Connect the remaining end of the "Front (L)" speaker wire to the white terminal/connector on the main unit.


Step 6

Connect the remaining end of the "Front (R)" speaker wire to the red terminal/connector on the main unit.


Step 7

Connect the remaining end of the "Center" speaker wire to the green terminal/connector on the main unit.

Step 8

Connect the remaining end of the "Subwoofer" wire to the purple terminal/connector on the main unit.

Step 9

Connect the remaining ends of the "Surround (R)" and "Surround (L)" speakers to the wireless system.

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