Although Microsoft Windows operating systems come with specific resolution settings already installed, you don't have to stick with them. One way to create custom resolutions for a single display or multiple monitors is to edit the computer's registry settings. To change registry resolution settings, use the Windows registry editor utility that comes as a standard feature with all versions of the Windows operating system.
Step 1
Press the "Windows-R" keys, type "regedit" into the Run field and then press "OK" to launch the registry editor dialog box.
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Step 2
Launch the "Mon12345678" folder by following the navigation tree in the left frame through the following path:
Step 3
Double-click the "DefaultSettings.XResolution" heading, and select the "Decimal" radio button in the dialog box. Type the horizontal resolution of your choice in the "Value data:" text box; for example, "1152" (without quotes) to set a width resolution of 1152 screen pixels.
Step 4
Double-click the "DefaultSettings.YResolution" heading and select the "Decimal" radio button in the dialog box. Type the vertical resolution of your choice in the "Value data:" text box; for example, "863" (without quotes) to set a height resolution of 863 screen pixels.
Step 5
Close the registry editor. Reboot the computer for the settings to take effect.
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